Blue Hill Books is a Little Free Library™ in Pleasant Grove, Utah

Friday, March 28, 2014

A Jewel

Want to read a precious little book? It's called The Secret Country of C. S. Lewis by Anne Arnott, 1975. My mom wordlessly thrust it into my hands and I read it in a day. It's a biography for young readers, beautifully written by a genius about a genius. It does such a wonderful job of distilling Lewis's life journey into the shining spiritual gem it became. Arnott includes the perfect quotes, stories, and references. After reading only a few pages I knew I had to get my own copy so I could underline and write in the margins. They have it used at for 1 cent plus shipping.

In this book you will watch "Jack" grow from a highly creative, sensitive, damaged little boy to "become a man with a mind like a sword that cut through all lies and sham, and showed up the blinding beauty of true goodness."

Like I said, precious. A gem. A jewel. 

1 comment:

  1. going to get it now :) What an adorable little thing you have going there! I see a ton of books on your spring collection I have or have read- and some I haven't. This is very inspiring! -sharla
